As the academic year begins, we hold a series of welcome events. These events are an opportunity for students to learn about our resources and get connected. We have tailored events for LGBTQIA2S+ graduate students, students of color, international students, and new students to MSU in general.
LGBTQIA2S+ History Month is annually celebrated in October and serves as a time to honor our community’s shared and individual pasts as a way to manifest our collective futures. Within LGBTQIA2S+ History Month we observe National Coming Out Day on October 11th. In addition, we celebrate past and present LGBTQIA2S+ history makers on our social media and through our weekly newsletter.
Transgender Awareness Month is annually celebrated in November and serves as a time to raise awareness of the oppression facing the transgender community. We celebrate the transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer activists who have worked so hard for change.The month culminates with Transgender Day of Remebrance (TDOR) observed annually on November 20th. TDOR serves as a time to honor the transgender family taken from us do to transphobic violence.
The Queering Racial Justice Summit is an opportunity to discuss the deep connections between racial justice and LGBTQIA2S+ justice. This two(2) day retreat is open to all students and offers rotating sessions with topics discussing racial and LGBTQA+ justice.
Transgender Day of Visiblity is celebrated annually on March 31st. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of the transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer communities. We honor activists, artists, entertainers, and more within the transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer communities as well as raise awareness of the vital work still needed to protect trangender lives.
While June is International Pride Month, our university celebrates Pride in the month of April in order to celebrate while a critical mass of students are still on campus. Pride Month starts with our annual kick off event that brings students, staff, and faculty together to celebrate the LGBTQIA2S+ communities and our continued fight for justice. Pride Prom is in April as an opportunity for attendees to wear clothing that makes them feel their best and to attend with the person they want.
Lavender Reception happens every April as an opportunity to honor our graduating LGBTQIA2S+ students at all levels of their education. It is an afternoon to congratulate them for their hard work.